CORVID-19 is still with us even though most restrictions have been relaxed in Scotland. The risks of infection are lower if outside, there is still a risk if mixing in large groups. Even so, please do not go out in the Cairngorms, or anywhere else, if you are showing signs of Corvid-19 and when out walking make sure you give people space - 1m at least and preferable 2m. Remember that if it feels too crowded then you can walk away and try somewhere else, the hills will still be there tomorrow. Also remember the MRT. They will come out to rescue you but they should not have to put themselves into danger from this virus.

A number of these routes start and finish at the main Cairngorm car park. Currently there is significant building work being undertaken in repairing the funicular. The site is fenced off to keep people out but there are routes across the work for walkers. Please keep out of this dangerous building site and follow the contractor's instructions.

West GlenShee Hills

West GlenShee Hills
The Cairnwell [NO135773, 933]
Cairn Aosta [NO135791, 917]
Carn a Gheoidh [NO107767, 975]
OS map : 43
start : Glenshee Ski Area Car Park
gridref : NO139781
summary : Glenshee Ski Area Car Park - Carn Aosta - Carn a'Gheoidh - The Cairnwell - Glenshee Ski Area Car Park
distance : 10.5km.
ascent : 510m.
time taken : 4hr. 10min.

The A93 climbs over the pass between Glen Shee and Glen Clunie from where Glen Shee skiing is centred. There are 3 very accessible hills to the west of the ski development. The high level start helps of course. The two nearest hills are on the boundary of the skiing do not have the feel of remoteness, with the skiing infrastructure never far away. Carn a'Gheoidh on the other hand is set in a wild and remote area of the Cairngorms. The hills are by and large grassy with some extensive areas of wet ground, bog.

The start is at the very large car park serving the Glenshee ski area. Often deserted away from the skiing season, but on a busy ski day you are asked not to park unless you are a skier.

Leave the ski centre by the track to the north of the buildings. The initial steep slope leads to a skier cafe. Follow the track up the valley at all times keeping to the track. Away from the track is some pretty wet terrain. The track will lead the walker to the bottom of Butcharts Tow. The track then follows the uphill track for a while then turns left. Follow this track to the ridge between the ski area and Loch Vrotachan, marked by a track junction. Follow the track right and up towards Carn Aosta. This is followed until it meets the top of a ski lift. The track skirts around the hill, so best to follow the smaller path directly to the summit. There is a rocky cairn that marks the summit of Carn Aosta. Good views north over to the big cairngorm hills make climbing this on a good day worth while. (2.0kms. 270m. 1hrs. 10min.)

Return back down the path to meet the track, and then follow the track down to the col. Keep walking along the track uphill, until at about half way up there is a path that goes right (west) towards Carn a'Gheoidh. Follow this path around the northern flanks of Carn Nan Sac past the two small lochans and then on towards the ridge. Follow this ridge to the summit of Carn a'Gheoidh. The final slopes are steep and keep the snow, so in winter conditions it may be more prudent to walk left, north, off the ridge to climb the hill by gentler slopes. This is an area of indistinct hillside and in poor weather navigation may be difficult. A small cairn marks the summit. (5.0kms. 140m. 1hrs. 50min.)

The return is via the uphill route, returning to Carn nan Sac, and onto the ridge on the edge of the ski area. Turn right and then follow this track to the summit of The Cairnwell. The summit of this hill must be the most cluttered and untidy of all hills in the UK. There are communication masts for just about everything including TV and mobile phones. There is a cairn that marks the main summit. (2.0kms. 100m. 0hrs. 50min.)

Take the track back down the ridge to the col and then follow the muddy path past the "pink" building and onto the tracks through the ski development. Follow these tracks to the ski centre. Remember to keep out of the way of the skiers during the skiing season. (1.5kms. 0m. 0hrs. 30min.)

1st June 2021 A nice sunny and warm day out on the hills. Didn't climb the most accessible Minros, but walked over to Carn a Gheoidh. Great walk and into the wild once away from the ski developments. There were a lot of people out and ver to Carn a Gheoidh which is often deserted.

12th April 2021 Just about out of Lockdown and this hill is in the local area. Couldn't resist today as it was forecast as wall to wall sunshine; as it was. Snow on the ground to make for good views. Only did the "easy" two as the ground was very slippy and wanted a lazy day. There are good paths up and around these two hills. Quite a few people out as expected on such a beautiful day.

8th September 2019 A sunny early autumnal day with quite a number of people out on these hills. Well they are convenient. The ground is quite wet after the rain over the past week or was this over the whole summer. Cannot help thinking that the ski development needs a lot of a tidy up. Due to clear skies and sun some excellent views over the Cairngorm Massif with great views over to Ben Avon Ben Macdui and Cairn Toul. Beinn a'Ghlo looks massive from here.